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NEWSCENTER 22:00 Pres. Park refutes 'easy layoff' criticism, calls for regional police HQ ...
NEWSCENTER 22:00 Pres. Park calls on Beijing to do its part toward denucearization of North Korea
NEWSCENTER 22:00 President Park calls on N. Korea to change or risk road to self-destruction
NEWSCENTER 22:00 President Park calls for national innovation for sustainable growth
NEWSCENTER 22:00 President Park calls for stronger UN sanctions on N. Korea
NEWSCENTER 22:00 Rival party wrangling postpones planned vote on counterterrorism bill
NEWSCENTER 22:00 President Park vows to keep youth job creation at top of her agenda in 2016
NEWSCENTER 22:00 Nat′l security No.1 priority for Pres. Park, ′Pyongyang must change′
NEWSCENTER 22:00 President Park highlights new markets through economic diplomacy
NEWSCENTER 22:00 Korea's exports plunge 18.5% y/y in January
NEWSCENTER 22:00 Ruling party urges assembly speaker to schedule vote on highly contested bills
NEWSCENTER 22:00 Parties' approval ratings mixed as general election approaches